Title: Summer Storms and Sleeplessness
Author/Team: kira/ Team Rainbow Fish
Fandom/Original: (Fandom Name or Original): Original
Rating: PG 13 for mild nudity
Triggers: none
Summary: Amber, who’s pregnant, finds it hard to sleep with Bernd curled up behind her, so she wakes him up…
ConCrit: (Y/N): No
Prompts: used all three for the week of April 5th -12th
Word Count: 714
Author’s note: Thanks go out to my beta Kat. Please note that Amber belongs to her and I’m just borrowing her. (We have a shared universe we write in.)
“Bernd?” Amber said softly. Pregnant, she lay on her side, facing the wall, with Bernd curled up behind her. His boney arse was wedged into the small of her back and his feet rested on her calves, as every once in a while, he would sprawl out in bed like he was the only one sleeping there. Hot, she reached behind herself as best she could and poked him. “Bernd, wake up.”
“Can you give me a few minutes to get out of bed and get coffee?” Bernd murmured as he slowly woke up. He yawned and stretched in place. He rolled over and stared bleary-eyed at Amber.
“Do you mind sleeping in your room?”
Bernd sat up. “Is something wrong?”
“No.” Amber rolled onto her back and looked up at him.
Thunder rumbled in the distance, heralding the beginning of a summer storm. The rain started to splatter against the egress window in Amber’s basement bedroom. She smiled; a look of contentment on her face as the room suddenly felt cooler. Even though she normally “ran hot,” somehow being pregnant cranked her inner heat up to infinity and beyond. Not even sleeping naked helped.
“Okay…” He frowned.
Amber sighed. “It’s not that I don’t want you here,” she held her hand up when it looked like he was going to interrupt her, “or I’m missing Greta, which I am, but that’s not it.” She sighed again. “It’s just that I feel like I only want to be alone, especially at night.” She rolled over and pushed herself up into a sitting position. She leaned against him. “You’ve got this crazy thermostat inside that has you cranking the heat in the summer and turning up the ac in the winter.” She looked up at him and smiled as a jagged ribbon of lightning lit up the room. The thunder cracked seconds later and they both jumped.
Bernd grinned as he held her close. “You sure you don’t want me to stay? That last bit of thunder scared the shit out of you.”
Amber snorted. “More like it scared the shit out of you.” She laughed. As annoying as the thunder and lightning were with their light and noise, the rain was soothing and it made everything feel so cool.
It thundered again, startling them both. They clung to each other for several long tense seconds, before pulling away from each other and laughing. The baby kicked as if annoyed by their antics.
“So, should I stay or should I go?” Bernd waggled his eyebrows at her.
Amber shook her head at him. While it was tempting to let him stay, as it was nice snuggling up with him, she just wanted to be alone. She reached out and cupped his cheek. “I’m sorry, Bernd, I just need to be alone. This little one,” Amber cradled her pregnant belly, “won’t let me sleep. It’s hard enough, as it is, to roll over and toss and turn. With you glued to me, it’s next to impossible.” She kissed his cheek. “And besides,” Amber grinned, “You’re way too hot!”
Bernd smirked back at her. “Thanks!”
She let out a long-suffering sigh. “Only you…” There was a low rumble of thunder as if to underscore her words.
Bernd’s smirk broadened into a grin.
“Silly numbnutter.”
He chuckled. “Yes?”
“Go!” Amber pointed to the door.
Bernd kissed her cheek. “Yes, ma’am!” He slid out of bed and looked for his clothes. Finding them, he quickly pulled on his boxers and t-shirt. “Night, Amber.”
“Night, Bernd.” She settled back against her pillow. “And thanks.”
He nodded, the flash of lightning briefly casting him in an eerie glow. He waited for the thunder to finish, before saying, “No problem. And Amber…?”
“If you get scared, you can always come upstairs and sleep with me.”
Amber playfully threw his pillow at him. “Go!”
“I’m going, I’m going.” And with that, he turned on his heels and left, quietly shutting the door behind him.
Amber closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep. Bernd’s soft footsteps on the stairs were a counter beat to the rumbling of thunder and splash of rain against the window. It worked like a lullaby as it was not long before Amber was fast asleep.