Title: Taking Care of Them
Author: kira
Word Count: 300
World: Capital city of Madrona
Main Characters: Sugar, she/her (Bethany), he/him (Gabriel)
Borrow: yes
Summary: Sugar looks after his people…
Author’s note: This is unbetaed, so any mistakes therein are my own.
Sugar roamed the streets, looking for something to eat. It was harder now as it was colder and that meant food was indoors. Still, Sugar knew how to look lost and pitiful, which had the nice effect of them giving him food. The dog was also good at begging, and he knew exactly which shops would give him a handout.
Approaching a butcher shop, Sugar slowed down and began to limp. He had discovered last winter that an injured paw somehow made them give him yummy things like sausages and chops. The dog limped around the entrance, whimpering, until some unsuspecting person let him inside when the dog followed them in. Sugar found a corner to curl up in and waited. When the time was right, he limped up to the counter and whined. They hurried over to him, feeding him bits of chop meat, before giving him what was left of a coil of sausages and letting him out.
Sugar limped away. When someone tried to grab his sausages, the dog growled and took off. A few halfhearted snowballs landed near him, but the dog easily avoided them. He made his way through the maze of streets in the poorer part of town, eventually ending up with her and the other one, who helped look after her.
“Hey, Sugar!” she called out to him.
He couldn’t help whining and wagging his tail. He came over, and dropping the sausages in her lap, he licked her face.
“Good dog!” the other one said. It did not take long, before the sausages were being cooked over the open fire that kept them all warm.
Sugar put his head in her lap. He closed his eyes, content. When she stroked his fur, he wagged his tail, before drifting off to sleep.