Geeky stuff :D

Jul 26, 2020 12:21

The other day COM had posted about some Star Trek masks that you can get with the proceeds going to charity. Anyways, I ordered the TOS medical blue one. I would have loved if they had a blue life sciences one, as Spock's my fave character, but I don't mind a Dr. McCoy or Nurse Chapel one. :D And if you're interested you can find them here:

And speaking of COM, she's doing the Sunshine challenge, which features colors & their relation to fandom. I've been playing along in the comments & one of the colors was indigo. Blue was already done, so rather than repeat myself, I sat & thought about it & did a quick google search to double check things, saw I was right & added my fandom answer, which was the bit of dark blue on the ends of Sesshomaru's sash/obi. Anyways part of my research led me to amazon & I managed to snatch the last one. Anyways he came today!!

I now have 2 Funko Pops! The other one being Maleficent. She was a gift to my sister from someone she used to be friends with & she didn't want it anymore so she gave her to me. :D Now if I can my hands on a Baby Yoda, my collection will be complete! (Or a Castiel! XD)

geeky stuff, sesshomaru, com, star trek

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