Title: A Good Read
Participant: kira
Fandom: original
Characters/Pairings: Wolfgang, Amber
Disclaimer: I own it!
Summary/Teaser: Wolfgang is enjoying the book Amber recommended…
Rating: G
Notes: This is not betaed, so any mistakes therein are my own. Please also note that Amber belongs to Kat, I’m just borrowing her.
Wolfgang picked up his book and began to read. He was no more than a paragraph or two into the chapter when he started chuckling. He paused to laugh out loud, something he rarely did while reading, but this time he could not help himself. Amber was right; Good Omens was funny and it was fast becoming his new favorite book. He hoped she enjoyed The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the book he recommended to her. He continued reading, chuckling and laughing out loud to himself.
It was during one part that he found exceptionally funny, that Amber happened to walk by. She poked her head in the den and said, “I take it you like it?”
“Yes. It’s funnier than I imagined it would be.” Wolfgang grinned. “How are you enjoying the ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide’?”
“I like it; it’s like reading pure crack.” She grinned back at him.
Wolfgang nodded. “That’s an interesting way of putting it.”
“Not exactly mine, but it does describe it perfectly. It’s like you need to be high to understand it and yet, reading it is so funny, you laugh like you’re high.” Amber grinned.
“That sounds like something Bernd would say.”
“Yup.” She grinned. “Anyway, I’m heading up to the store, do you need anything?”
“A sequel or two to this would be nice, but seriously, I don’t need anything. Thanks.”
“No problem.”
Wolfgang watched her leave, before going back to his book. The Four Horsemen were coming and he was dying to know what happens next.