Title: Halloween Fun
Author: kira
Genre: slice of life
Characters: Rowena
Pairing: none
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Warning/Spoilers: none
Summary: Rowena loves Halloween…
Author’s Note: Please note that this is unbetaed, so any mistakes are my own.
Disclaimer: Don’t own Supernatural; wish I did!
Rowena loved Halloween. As a witch, she felt it was her special day and she got a kick out scaring mere mortals by playing some harmless pranks on them. One of her favorite pranks was finding a pumpkin patch and looking for the biggest pumpkin she could find. Once she found what she was looking for, it was a simple matter to cast a spell animating it. The pumpkin ghoul would then wander the streets, scaring the pants off anyone it encountered, until daybreak when the spell was broken. Chuckling softly, she went in search of the nearest pumpkin patch.