Title: Campus Hijinks
Author: kira
Genre: Slice of Life
Characters: Ludwig (Germany), Feliciano (Italy), Gilbert (Prussia), Francis (France), and Tony (Spain)
Pairing: Ludwig/Feliciano
Rating: PG 13
Word count: 925
Warning: None
Summary: Ludwig and Feliciano join Gilbert’s fraternity…
Author’s Note: Thanks to my beta Kat for looking this over for me.
For Kat…
They were rejected at what felt like every fraternity on campus. Well, not everyone. There was still the one his brother belonged to, Feliciano’s brother too, but it seemed like every loser and campus misfit that could not get into any other fraternity ended up there. Since they were both legacies, it would be easy to join. So against his better judgment, Ludwig along with his best friend Feliciano became Pi Sigma Phi’s latest members.
After several long drawn out phone calls home, the Beilschmidt brothers moved out of their off campus apartment and into the “Pi Hole” as the frat house was affectionately called by its members. Much to Ludwig’s surprise, Feliciano’s delight, and Romano’s disgust, he was rooming with his best friend. Unfortunately, the room contained a single bed, which just happened to be big enough for two. Feliciano insisted on using the floral sheets from their ill-fated toga party on the bed, which surprisingly fit. Ignoring the fact that he would now be sharing a bed with his best friend, Ludwig set about unpacking. Feliciano had already claimed part of the room and closet as his as evident by his things strewn about the room.
It did not take long for Ludwig and Feliciano to settle in. For someone who thought he would hate living at the Pi Hole, Ludwig did not think he would have enjoyed staying in the dorms half as much. There were parties every weekend and they were wild to say the least. It was while going on a beer run for an upcoming party, that Gilbert’s two best friends, Francis and Tony, introduced all of them to the art of “mooning.”
The five of them, Ludwig, Feliciano, Gilbert, and his best friends, were heading into town to get some beer and chips. They passed by the library, a relatively new building on campus, the old one having been converted to the new student union building. The new building featured large glass windows, so that the students, studying there, could enjoy the wonders of nature whenever they took a study break.
Francis slowed down as they neared the window. He looked over at Tony, who nodded. “Hey, Gilbo! Watch this!” Francis called out as he and Tony got a bit closer to the window. They turned to face their friends, opened their pants, and bending over, they bared their butts at the unsuspecting students, who happened to look up.
Gilbert blinked, before laughing, as his friends ran towards them. “Holy crap, Tony!! I can’t believe you guys did that!” he chortled as they all took off running to avoid campus security.
“It’s called ‘mooning’,” Tony said.
“Wanna see it again?” Francis said.
“What the hell? Why not? Oh and uh, Lutz, you’d better shield Feli’s eyes. He’s too pure and free from sin to see this.” Gilbert smirked.
Feliciano giggled. “I’ve seen Louie’s so I know what a butt looks like.”
“You have, have you?” Gilbert waggled his eyebrows, laughing when his brother turned beet red. “Anyway… On with the show, you two.” He waved his hand at his friends.
Francis and Tony took a few steps away from them and counting softly to three, they bent over and mooned their friends. Gilbert cackled. Ludwig’s blush deepened and Feliciano giggled as they pulled their pants up.
“Oh my god, Tony!! What an ass!!” Gilbert laughed as he fanned himself with his hand. “And, Francy Pants, that has got to be the hairiest ass I’ve ever seen!” He laughed himself silly.
“Why thank you!” his friends chorused.
“Show us the goods, Gilbo!” Francis said.
“Okay!” Gilbert, much to Ludwig’s mortification, turned around and mooned his friends.
“OUCH! My eyes!” Francis said as he dramatically shielded his eyes with his arm.
“It’s so white, it’s blinding me!” Tony added. “Put that thing away!”
Gilbert pulled up his pants. The three of them hung on each other and laughed themselves silly.
“Aren’t we supposed to be getting the beer, before the store closes?” Ludwig said, hoping to forestall their silliness. When his brother and friends calmed down they all started walking towards town, until Feliciano pulled ahead.
Giggling, Feliciano said, “Hey, guys! Look in the mirror!” He mooned them which got everyone, except Ludwig, laughing again.
“It’s your turn, Louie!”
Ludwig’s eyes went wide. Despite having a physique that made the campus jocks green with envy, he was shy about showing it off, never mind the partial nudity. The only reason Feliciano was privy to seeing Ludwig in various stages of dress and undress was that they shared a room. Looking like Bambi caught in the headlights, Ludwig, had the feeling there was no escaping this.
“Come on, We showed you ours,” Tony said.
“He’s just shy, Tony, cuz no one’s got an ass as perfect as yours,” Gilbert said.
Rolling his eyes, Ludwig turned away and mooned them. He pulled up his pants. “Happy now?”
“Yeah… Louie, you’ve got some ass on you too!”
“Told you so!” Feliciano said with a smirk that would have looked at home on Gilbert’s face.
“Feli’s right! Lutz, you’ve got an ass! And you know what that means…?” Gilbert smirked.
“Party!!” they all shouted.
“Now let’s hurry up and get the beer for the party on Saturday, along with some for tonight. I say we drink to the king and prince of asses!” Gilbert said.
Ludwig shook his head at his brother. Then again, one thing he learned, from living in the Pi Hole, was any excuse for a party is a good one.