Title: Porn and Reality
Author: kira
Genre: slice of life
Characters: Dean, Gabriel
Pairing: none
Rating: OT for adult themes & for Dean’s potty mouth
Word count: 100
Warning/Spoilers: none
Author’s Note: Thanks to my beta Kat for helping me with the title.
Disclaimer: Don’t own Supernatural; wish I did!
Dean channel surfed looking for porn. He found Casa Erotica 8 and tuned in.
A redhead slowly took off her underwear. Dean was “in love” until she turned around to face the camera. “Son-of-bitch!!” he cried. She looked just Gabriel, complete with a 70s porn-stache. Dean reached for the remote and turned off the TV. Unfortunately, it didn’t work.
“Hello, Dean.”
Dean, trying the remote again, glared.
“What?” Gabriel pouted.
“Get dressed.” Dean frowned.
Snapping his fingers, Gabriel was dressed again. “Better?”
“Party-pooper!” Gabriel smirked and snapped his fingers, before leaving.
Dean was now wearing the redhead’s underwear. “Son-of-a-bitch!”