Jun 24, 2007 20:09
Holy crap....my last update was 27 weeks ago. I can hardly believe that LJ keeps track of stuff like that....
Sooooo, yeah. I got myself married, so now I am officially Mrs. MostlyJoe. The fact that I didn't even think to log that in here closer to the actual date is staggering if not wholly pathetic. Eh.
Married life is going just swell. We work, we come home, we do the hokey pokey. I love how people ask me: "So, how is married life?" like I'm gonna tell them: "Well, it sure beats living together in sin!" When you're compatible with someone and you love them enough to get married like Joe and I are, going through with the ceremonial hoo-hah is trivial at best. One day, I hope to have a virtual wedding album on the website so the folks who couldn't make it to the wedding will be able to revel in the tomfoolery that occurred. We had a blast!
And....I'm just about out of steam for this post. What do you people want from me? I'm sick with an ear infection, and the drugs I'm on hinder my ponderings. Actually, my ponderings just usually degrade into stuff like "...uhh, were you talking to me?" or "Shiny things make me haaaaaaaappy.."