That meme Cate started... or borrowed or something.

Oct 20, 2009 08:47


Make a lj-cut that says "I'm leaving fandom!" or something to that effect.
If you see it, you MUST do this meme!

~ "Sienne you support" meme ~
Note: You must not reveal the name of the 'sienne you support.

● What sort of show and what sort of role did she most recently appear in?

Um, I guess currently a mob bossy person with an idiotic crew.

● What made you her fan?

Elisabeth shinko.

● Have you written her a letter?

A couple, I haven't recently though.

● What is about her that makes you like her enough to support her?

Oh so much, but namely because she is extremely talented. The trend for me seems to like Siennes that blossom later on into something amazing without my knowing. I had no idea when I fell for that pudgy face in the shinko that she would become the amazing multi talented girl that she is now. I saw her acting and dancing ablities early one, yet I never expected the voice that would mature into the gorgeous thing it is now.

Also, of the otokoyaku I like I believe she is the least otokoyakurashii. Her style is so very different and I love that difference.

ANd of course I love her beautiful girly eyes and cheeks that she somehow managed to finally disguise on stage.

● What was something that made you happy?

Hoffman, Gatsby, and Rudolph.

● On the other hand, what's something you don't like about her?

I think I echo Cate on this. I just wish she'd fight a little more, but I can't blame her for it.

● What was your favourite show?

Frankly? Nothing she has actually has been in I like. Probably Gatsby then.

● What's something from a revue that sticks out in your mind?


● "I wish she hadn't been in this play (revue)"... Or "I hope she's never in this!"

I wish she wasn't in half the plays she has been in as of late. But most importantly THIS CURRENT ONE.

● Your favourite costume?

Eeeehh Camillia-hime probably... Also the rugby outfit from Gatsby (SHE IS CUTE DAMN IT) OH BUT THE FIRE GOD ONE WAS THE BEST ACTUALLY.

● Your least favourite costume?

Most of the revue outfits from Mami/Rika era tsukigumi.

● "Out of all the the Takarasiennes, she's No. 1 in / at..."


● What kind of play / revue do you want her to appear in?

Her own bow lead or something that is actually well written or even not boring for once. Also LAY OFF THE SPANISH REVUES.

● What's something that made you think, "I'm glad I'm her fan"?

Actually, there is very little that makes me glad other than I think she is amazing.

● A message to the 'sienne you support.

I wish I could be in your club, but my heart hasn't healed enough to handle it.

Only an hour more until I have to go to work. Wow my journal has become full of memes lately.

I really want to thank everyone that commented on my entry about my grandmother. I have been awful lately with updating and letting people know I'm not dead or such.

My grandmother is all right now. She is pretty much immobile right now and has 24/7 hospital care now. She had bronchitis which turned into a really bad pneumonia. She managed to survive it, but its left her as little more than a shell. A happy clam though.

I was able to see her via skype and that was really hard. She was completely confused as to computer, but it made me cry to realize she recognized both my sister and my voices.

In any case, the reason the trip was cancelled was because my mother flew out and well the family is just going through some financial crisis. Its really hard, but we are getting through.

I'm not really sure why I'm writing all this out. If you kept reading until now, you can have a cookie?

Thank you everyone.

meme, real life
