On Gyakuten

Apr 30, 2009 12:08

I don't know what people were expecting but I loved every suspenseful minute of that play. Sure there were small plot holes and some of the build up was awkward, BUT for a two hour play that is based off a game... it did pretty damn well.

I had seen some clips first before watching the DVD and I had reservations. Namely I though Tomu's acting was a little stiff and the camera angles were strange. Also, I had small issues with the use of projection video. After having seen the DVD though, I decided that everything makes sense in context.

There is a certain mood and tension built as the play goes on. I was able to ignore everything I found strange in favor of the story and suspense. I really was on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen even though I knew how the story ended and went ahead of time. The back and forth between Phoenix and Edgeworth was amazing as was the relationship between Phoenix and Leona.

On Phoenix and Leona, I loved it. Yes, it has to do in party with the actresses, but the two of them have great chemistry and the relationship while ,it is a big part of the show, it isn't all shoujo bubbles and lovey doveyness.

To me the character of Phoenix Wright is very one dimensional. He is all about "truth" and helping people. The Takarazuka script writers just added in a very real motivation for helping someone whom he loved earnestly.

I really, really enjoyed Gyakuten Saiban. I could watch it over and over again.

nanaho hikaru, phoenix wright, gyakuten saiban, miwa asahi, soragumi, ranju tomu
