I realised I don't really obsess on my journal as much as I do on aim. This clearly needs to be fixed.
wao_wao has already made a Angel-Centric post. So, I thought maybe I should do a Darling-Centric Post. Because you all need to know how much I love Eriko.
First sighting of Darling. She is camped out on the bench with her batchmate, Miki :3
I really like it when she wears a t-shirt under a sharp blazer.
She has no right to be so adorable looking here and nodding like a yes-man. Also, its amazing how she is a full head taller than Tom.
Not Darling, but I think the floating Ume-head is the cutest thing ever!
Eriko is back in her spot next to batchmate :D I swear she has *claimed* that spot.
First good sighting of Chii-kun :D it seems she has something to show Tomocchin :D
It looks like a paper cup.
Everyone is intrigued by the paper cup. *loves on Eriko in the back in her Spot*
Have I mentioned my love of Chii-kun's long neck?
Passion! I'm already addicted to this song.
Trust me. She is there. Micchan just happens to be blocking her with her ENTIRE body :P Bad Micchan. Edit: I just realised I managed to cap Tomu in a rather interesting position xD
Jumachuu Clearly I cannot tell one blurry 92nd from another. Its Tonika-chu! Whom has reallly grown on me
Okay nothing to do with darlings, but omg the love! I'm so looking forward to watching the entire dance. That move they are doing is so gorgeous.
Guess who is back in her spot? Mmm, I love it when they show off Arms.
Okay while everyone was dying of whats in the foreground, I was distracted by a wriggling baby. Someone really wanted to get her pants back on. Notice the tights. X3 Edit: Julie says its Kozu :P
I hate yellow, but it made her easy to find in the background.
I love the face she is making here.
To finish this off, THANK YOU CATE! OH GOD THANK YOU.