tech week

Apr 27, 2009 18:16

It's tech week. I can think of it this way: all my nights will be spent at the theater. Everyone is a little grumpy. The set is half-built. We have to re-block scenes based on the reality of the set. The musicians are still learning their parts. The special effects aren't in place. We aren't wired for sound yet.

Or I can think of it this way: we have a skeleton of a set. Everyone is very focused. We can start setting our blocking for real. We've got fabulous musicians ready to underscore our every move. I am audible in the theater, and later I'll have floor mikes that make me even louder. I love this show and can't wait for it to be ready for the public. I know we will pull it together and have something magnificent.

Both are true.

I know what tech week is like by now. These times require a lot of patience. Fortunately, I have some. We enter into it with nearly manic excitement and trepidation, and by opening night everything comes together.

oceana, vortex

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