road rage

May 31, 2008 17:10

While driving yesterday, I accidentally turned into the inside lane instead of my own lane. The woman I unintentionally cut off was pretty far behind me; I'm not even sure that my mistake interfered with her driving. But I guess it made her mad.

As I accelerated to go on Mo-Pac, the guy in front of me slowed down, so I slowed down too. The woman behind me -- who'd been tailgating -- honked at me. Once we got on the highway, she tore past me on the left, holding down her horn the whole way, and then cut right in front of me. Then she slammed on her brakes. There was no-one in front of her, she just hit her brakes to -- I don't know what, piss me off? Take revenge on me for slowing down on the on-ramp by causing me to rear-end her? She did not come to a complete stop, and I slammed on my brakes (nearly getting rear-ended myself) so I did not hit her, either.

I've been known to honk my horn at someone who endangers me or acts like a jerk on the road. But I've never deliberately tried to get them to wreck their car. I have never seen anything like it.
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