job hunting clarification

May 31, 2007 08:51

I adore my job, but the contract ended yesterday. There's a possibility that it might be extended on a project-by-project basis, because they really liked me, too, but that's all dependant on whether they feel like they have the money to pay for additonal contract workers. Their summer project load is light, and they have to make sure their full-time staff have hours before they go hiring me. So I'm in a bit of limbo, with the expectation that they won't be able to pull me in for more work, but the hope that they will. I intend to take two weeks off to just chill and relax, and then (depending on what I hear from them) I'll start job hunting seriously again. For those just tuning in, I'm looking for technical writer or editor positions, but ones that don't require a ton of experience because I'm just getting started in that field.


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