This is about me, for once. I've had this thing for a while now, but I've never used it as a journal, but instead as just an account to read and review with. Since I;ve got no one to rant to at the moment, I've decided I should actually use this to do so. For now though, I;m going to talk about me, and let those people who want to read know about me, and who I am as well.
This is pretty random, pretty much coming out ad I think about it. It'll pobably be in parts, because I'm in the middle of finals now, and between studying, and stress, I don't have a lot of time to devote to this. This is the first part, of what might be an ongoing set of journals about me, if you care to read. I;m going to keep posting them though, even if no one comments. Feel free to address anything you may want to talk about in this. I open myself to any and all criticism, as long as its not some stupid racist comment.
First off: I'm a Black woman. I'm light-skinned, with caramel colored skin, dark brown eyes, and freckles that annoy me immensely. Mostly because I've got a few on my face, a few on my legs, and about three hundred on each arm. My hands are so heavily freckled that entire splatches are darker colored. My hair is about breast level when straight, curly-crimped and a little beyond shoulder length when wet. My hair is brown, though it looks black or red-brown depending on the light. There are mixed orange hairs in between, though Ive got no idea where they come from. I grew up with strong female role models, and the product of single mom.
I live with my mom, three little brothers, and grandmother at the moment. My father died when I was about five months, so I don;t remember him, even if I have all his features except the eyes. Those are my moms. My mom is wonderful, and not so great at the same time. Most of the time she's been a mother she's been a single mom. That's not easy, especially when you haven't graduated high school. Still, she doesn't whine about her lot in life, she just lives, and supports me and my brothers the best she can with what she's got. She doesn;'t just sit around doing nothing, she's out, doing what she does to earn money, and being a mom, and balancing that with being a women, with friends, needs, and a life of her own.
My grandmother is just as wonderful a person, and mom of three girls. My aunts and mom all learned to be strong from her, to be confident in themselves even when they are given a situation that truly sucks ass. She worked to support herself, her girls, and my grandfather when he was pronounced with a fatal brain tumor, and died when I was 5-6.
My aunts on my mother's side are all strong, confident women, with degrees, and jobs of their own. My aunt Kim, is a proud, strong women, with her own son, my cousin and two step daughters. She;s been divorced, but still speaks with my uncle civilly, because they share custody. My aunt Roxanne is just as strong an proud, and does an excellent job with what she does. She teaches online classes in economics, and works as a financial consultant.
I'm not them. I'm strong yes, (at least I think so, and I've been told I am), and I do have some of their attitude. But I want more than that. I want to travel the world, to see the world as others see it, and to study my passion: animals. Ever since I was a little girl I knew I would work with animals. I love them, and they tend to like me. I'll admit, I'm fairly arachnophobic, and bugs scare the ever-loving crap out of me, but I deal as best as I can. I want to go to college, graduate, and be a Zoologist. Its not about making discoveries, or being famous. I just love animals, want to work with them, and understand them, the best way I know how: by studying them in their natural habitat and researching. On that same note I;m an environmentalist, though not extremely. I believe we should protect the animals, and that human population is growing much to rapidly for us to support ourselves at the rate we're going. I also believe we should drill for oil on land, in safe ways, where we can't harm animals. I believe we should use certain areas of forests for logging, as long as we replant.
I'm argumentative, rude, loud, kind, caring, gentle. Maybe its a contradiction, but it fits. For the most part I'm pretty calm, cheerful, and comforting. I like bad jokes, good jokes, reading, watching movies and art. I like being informed, being made aware of politics, and real issues. I support president Obama, and don;t appreciate a lot of the things the Tea Party groups do and say, nor do I care for racism. I like reading slash, love it, and have a bad habit of making random characters of shows gay for each other. Oh well. I speak out for Gay rights, individual rights, and believe that as the Declaration of Independence states, "All men were created equal" in this case, all people. We should all have rights to live, worship, and feel how we want, to love how we want, and as long as we do not intrude on the freedoms of others, do what we want.
Kids like me, and I like them. I don't want any. For reason limited to, but not only, the fact that I'm selfish, and I have a temper. I really do. I'm moody, and I have a tendency to lock myself up to listen to music played loud and read for hours on end. I'm clumsy and a minx when it comes to sports. As in, while playing badminton I got hit in the head with a baseball bad. A baseball almost 150 yards away. I have both a a quick and slow temper. Irritation shows up quick, and bursts out. But true anger I tend to hold in until it explodes out, usually at someone who just happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, doing the wrong thing to piss me off. I never want to hurt a kid, not really. But I worry tat I might, if I was a parent. I;m not the marrying type. Not the dating type either. I;ve never been on one, or even had a first kiss, even though I'm certainly old enough. I'm generally not interested in that sort of thing, and I tend to provoke arguments when I've been with someone for awhile.
My best friends are almost always older or younger than me. One of them, is a freak on some many levels. But so am I, and he understands that. He;s nice, rude, crude, and funny at the same time. He makes jokes about his 'massive' penis, and says vagina all the tine, mostly to see the reaction he'll get. He's got a voice you would imagine comes from the Reaper himself. He's one of my best friends. My other guy friends were a jerk, and a hug whore. I love them all, though not like that. As brothers. My female friends vary in so many ways, But what stands most is that all my friends are weird, or not considered normal by society's standards. I suppose us freaks have to stick together.
I'm quite possibly bi-sexual, because I appreciate both guys and girls, and can see them as people I would like to date. I have no interest in dating, or one night stands though, or a relationship beyond friend ship at all. I love arguing. I really do. I love to debate, and research a topic, and dog it until I've learned all I can, and argued my way out of a debate, or into one. Ill keep going until I'm forced to drop the subject, or need to research more. I like helping people, and the idea of enacting change, but I'm not the person to do it, though I'll give my all to help. I love helping, even when the work is pointless, because I enjoy work, despite my lazy exterior. I love a challenge, especially academic ones.
I love manga, anime, cartoons, comics, and etc. I love slash, the concept, the characters, and the reading. It just does it for me, in away het fanfiction never really could. I love music, of all kinds, except Rap. I connect well to a lot of songs, and love listening. These lines " Its about living, not just getting by, its about reaching when they;re's nothing in sight, its about standing when you want to give up." These kinds of things speak to me in ways other things, except reading, don't. Books are a passion of mine, especially Tamora Pierce's work.
I think I'm fairly compassionate, and I'm a crybaby. I admit this. I cry when I;m happy, when I'm upset, when I'm stressed. I accept this, and work passed it. But I'm also capable of making cold decisions, that would kill me, or hurt me, if need be. I don't want to, but I would if I had to. I'm not ashamed to say this part of me scares the crap out of me. That I could be so cold, that I could make decisions to kill to protect my friends and family scare me. I accept them though.
I tend to like those characters not accepted or, considered evil. I like the insane ones, the dark ones, the twisted, broken ones, the stoics- generally everyone but the bright cheerful type. Even if I wouldn't like them if they committed certain acts in real life, I like them as characters: Angel, Sylar, Spock, Xemnas and Organization XIII, Batman, Guy Gardner, Bones McCoy, Knuckles the Echidna, Shadow the Hedgehog, Luigi, Mac Taylor, Horatio Caine, Sesshoumaru, Kai Hiwatari, Wolverine, Sabertooth, Gambit, Storm Shadow and much more.
I've been an avid fan of Pokemon for years, and watch the show, play the games, and support it. I despise arrogant people, and love video games, especially Kingdom Hearts, Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, and plenty more, are all part of my life, and what shaped my personality, and who I am today.
This is who I am.