guitar freaks and drum mania TOTALLY ROCK!!! XDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!! i have no musical talent whatsoever, so i suppose this is the closest that i'll ever get to playing an instrument. ^^()
and it's inspired me to draw a band of rikkai pic (nope, not drawn yet. we have to wait for the moon to turn blue first...) and everything just sort of...came ready made.
lead vocals: sanada
backup vocals: kirihara (really because i had nowhere else to put him)
lead guitar: niou
um...the second guitar?: yagyuu
bass: yukimura
drums: marui
keyboards: yanagi
and because i'm mean, jackal can go be their roadie. XDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!
i've decided that while drums, generally, are easier than the guitar game, in terms of progression, the guitar is faster. for me, at least. because my guitar skills have improved quite rapidly, compared to my drum skills. hmmm...but i'm not dropping the drums. ^^ i think i might go put the bass on auto for awhile until i can play the others practically on autopilot, then i'll put the bass back on. ^^ well, i'll at least go try that out.
for guitar, the normal mode is fun, but ever since
angel_ng and i discovered the magic of the bass and open mods (and we've been playing on 2.5x speed for so long that we can't play it slow anymore. XDDDD) we've been playing those. XDDD!!! angel is better than me, but i shall not give up!!! ^^ i like playing with angel. especially nonstop mode, since we get to play 4 songs instead of 3. but she has to keep me alive.......... T.T after a bit of dying, the machine won't let me revive. ^^() damn. ah well...i shall become better so that i don't cause angel to die. ^^
and now i'm gonna restart my com because MSN messenger is giving me problems. >< DIEMSNDIE!!!!!!