More manga shoutouts [Viewfinder vol6 ch1]

May 11, 2011 21:26

Because the wonderful people on my f-list were an amazing help the last time. *O* You guys are amazing!!!

Well, the point of the post is...HOW THE HELL DID VOL 6 OF VF COME OUT WITHOUT MY EVEN KNOWING IT???? I've just dled v6ch2-5 from Harudaki (I shall virtually kiss the binary code they transmit across???) but chapter 1 was released by Club Vogue, and they've taken the links down (SADNESS).

You all who know me well enough will know that I buy my manga in Japanese. I prefer it to the altered art in translated manga, and even with my severly limited grasp of the Japanese (and Chinese) language, sometimes I can still get a better grasp of the story from the original text (no offence to the translators). But as a result, I often have no real way to read what I buy, save through scanlations. And text-only translations kinda confuse me...

I'm gonna get VF6 and CS4 (ANOTHER one that went completely past me...) in hard copy, because my shelves (and the other volumes) CRY OUT for them but I'd still like to get the scanlations for VF6 ch1, if anyone has them. ;m; PRZ TO BE HELPING ME OUT??

Man, my manga shopping list for this month is gonna be epic. OTL I hope Kino can bring them in for me. I want to get VF6, CS4, and a whoooooole boat load of Minase Masara manga. If it's not on the shelf, I wanna order them in. *m* ♥

I'm glad I renewed my Kino card...

scanlation, kinokuniya, manga

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