me + bus + sprinting + alighting passenger = BAD
i was braiding my hair on the way to the bus stop, and since life LOVES to screw with me, the bus came halfway. so i ran while finishing up the braid (nothing hard, really). but then, some guy (random straggler stuck in the bus?) was getting off, and i was running so fast that i couldn't stop and i kinda plowed into his side. but he was a pretty hefty guy, so i kinda bounced off him. and at the curb. i stumbled, and slammed right into the bus.
so i have a bruised shoulder (it doesn't really hurt much. it has that somewhat...nice kind of pain--shit, masochistic much???) and a REALLY painfully bruised hip. now THAT one hurts. i banged up my forearm too, but the muscle more or less prevented anything lasting. only a little tender if i rub it. but the HIP!!! >< man, it hurts like hell. i can't even touch it without it hurting. the shoulder and hip both had the bony bits rammed, which is why it hurts so badly.
i wonder what colour i'll turn tomorrow. the shoulder's already a bit reddish, but the hip is still that creamy banana yellow-white that i seem to be. :x maybe it'll be purple by tomorrow?
there must be something VERY wrong with me if i kinda LIKE the shoulder bruise. serious bruises aside................i actually kinda like them. :x i haven't a clue what that says about me. and something tells me that i might not really want to know. XDDD!!!
and when i was waiting for the bus home, i had to sprint across the road to a different bus stop (since the bus at that stop came first). but the pedestrian light was green anyway, so no harm. XD
and DAMMIT, BOTH my EZ-link cards were flat broke and with NEGATIVE cash balances. -.-;;; and i had like 25 cents. and nobody could change $2 for me. but some nice woman gave me some of her spare change. ^^()
good karma coming back? a few years ago, i gave a secondary school girl some money to take a bus home. ah well, luckily that woman had coins. >< or i might have been stranded.
what happened in-between the public transport? i met up with gek, susu and sen (jane couldn't make it) for dinner. before that (since i arrived EARLY for a change) i went to borders. XDDD bought the miniature "sex for dummies". it's for xar to give to finn as a teasing gag-gift. XDD since finn seems to be getting along well with kirito. i think finn will blow his headcap clean off. XDDD!! got myself xar a little black sketchbook.
damn, i LOVE little things... *_*
and i got myself a book. ^^ jac may know which one. two (or does it count as three?) words: time-travelling scotsmen.
and AFTER dinner, we went to kino. dammit!!!!!!!! and i got the new volume (10) of lucifer, volume 2 of fairy cube, and (thank you sulynn) books of magic. the one by neil gaiman, since i'm such a fangirl, and it sounds pretty interesting, and i've been looking for it anyway.
and now i REALLY need to go put cash back into my savings account. :x
i've got $200 in my tin bank, and i think i can put another $50 into it by the end of this week. if i'm lucky. :x not that it's close to what i need,'ll do. and i feel kinda glad that kyoru owes me money, because then i can use it to pay off some stuff. XD
aaaaand...i'm too sleepy to watch more KKM now. stopped at ep 57. shall sleep now, and watch it tomorrow. i've EARNED a good sleep. >< i was so tired today. sen attributes it to the DAMN REALISTIC dream i had (and wanted to get back to, but i had an exam and had snoozed the alarm like, 6 times already) this morning.
a bunch of people/friends and i were in a jeep-ish kind of vehicle, traversing thickly snowed-in grounds, and we got stuck, and had to hoof it. and the winding mountainous path we were taking was suddenly blocked by the remains of a rockslide, so we had to climb up and around it. and as dreams would have it, there were trash bags and old cardboard cartons and stuff at the top of the rockpile. there's a bunch of people on snowmobiles zooming past--i don't know how, since it was supposed to be blocked--and i think we were in some sort of race. and after getting back down onto the path, for some reason, my brain decides to have us all wearing skis (why, i haven't a clue) and we're all about to go round this bend and then...
damn alarm. and i'd snoozed it so many times that i HAD to wake up... >< geez... 5 more miinutes wouldn't have hurt!!! but i might not have woken up again for awhile, and i couldn't risk that. interesting dream...FOILED. by *snerk* the neuroscience exam. neuro. brain. dream. get it? haha. *ducks flying pie*
right. sleep. XD