Wow. Finishing a fic is emotional, but finishing posting a fic is even more. It's final, complete, and out there for the world to see and read and judge as they see fit.
Author's Notes to follow the chapter. Here it is, kids -- this ride's coming to an end...
...for now.
Title: These Crimes of Illusion
Rating: R
Genre: Pre-Series, Gen
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Crap, it’s over already? This is the last part? Really?
*blinks and looks again*
Huh. I guess so.
*comforts self with thought of a sequel*
I like how this final section unfolded, that everything didn’t come together in an instant: Dean can see, and John wuvs him and they’ll be OK, albeit a bit angst-ridden for a while. No, you had both Winchesters endure a little more danger and worry before Dean got a several-strings-attached resolution, and I’m very much intrigued by Dean’s agreement with the Queen.
Favorite lines:
He feels Dean’s presence as only a parent can, strong and vibrating at his side, before he says a word.
Love the sixth sense there that John has for Dean’s presence.
“I killed him and they couldn’t see it,” Dean chokes out. “Fuck, I did it and nothing changed.”
Oh, holy crap. Not fair! He did what they wanted! *hugs Dean*
“No, son,” John says, “just you.”
Ouch. True, but still … ouch.
Dean nods, sways, and falls forward into his father’s arms. The sky opens up with a blast of thunder and releases enough tears for both of them.
Love that last sentence, and how you let nature do the mourning there. Nice.
John gets out at the same time, both doors slammed closed for different reasons. “Just don’t come to me when you’ve hit rock bottom because you can’t deal with it anymore.”
The comment stings in a way none of his injuries can. A flicker of anger leaks out from the new walls. “Why would I? You’d probably be too drunk to care. Let’s just get this over with.”
Oh, ouch. This is a painful exchange to watch.
John said, “At least the men I killed were soldiers who knew the risks, not innocent men,” but Dean sees red and uses John’s voice to guide his fist straight into his jaw.
Woo hoo! Well, I mean, ouch on what John said, because the situation wasn’t nearly that black and white, but go, Dean, with that kick-ass punch. *nods approvingly*
“Guess I deserved that,” says John finally, standing.
Yes, John. You did. You really, really did.
She blends with the snow, is snow and woman at the same time, white and dark in a way only magic can create.
Love that description. So very ethereal and lovely.
“So young and fresh,” she sighs, sad. “What a waste.”
“Like I haven’t heard that before. Will you get off me?”
LOL! Oh, how I love Dean’s sense of humor coming through there.
The Queen stands above him. “I granted your son safety, not you. If not for your oversight, I would never have gotten him just where I need him. How does it feel, knowing you are the root of your son’s undoing?”
Well, this just doesn’t bode well, does it?
For now, all he can do is prepare them as best he can. It’s time to let them leave the nest and make their own mistakes without their father there to tell them how to fix things.
I really like that, the way that John sees how his role as father is changing, how he’s going to have to let go in a way he’s previously been loathe to do.
John figures now is as good a time as any. Because being bound to a tree and gagged, he laughs to himself, really lends itself to being an audience member.
“I want your word you will turn a blind eye to the activities of the fae. You are not to hunt them or hinder them in any way. For that, I will let your father go.”
Well, that doesn’t sound too bad.
“You will come to me when called, if the need for another like Hall to be killed arises.”
But that does sound bad. In a delicious, sequel kind of way. :) *happily daydreams about sequel*
“You’re my dad. I’m not going to let some bitch fae torture you.”
John raises his eyebrows, curious. “No?”
“That’s my job,” Dean smiles. “Now, give me the keys. I’m driving.”
Great ending, with Dean’s snark peeking out, and then Dean driving the car. It’s like he’s assuming a more mature role in his relationship with his father, and becoming more of the Dean we see in season one: in charge and with an edge and oh so very yummy.
Awesome! I wanted this story to match up with the beginning of the season, to give some explination to why Dean and John are they way they are.
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