[icons] Yuuki Cross of Vampire Knight

Sep 23, 2012 15:46

I'm back~

yeah, LJ, here I am!
it's been a long time since I've done icontest challenge..
this time, it's focused in female character. My choice fall for Kurosu Yuuki of Vampire Knight. Vampire knight is always been one of my favorite fandoms. Yuuki is a character which is pretty...twisted(?) I don't know, but it's hard for me to know about her deepest heart...she's just too..complicated. but well, that's why I love her ^^

10 themeshairjewelfull bodyfavorite imagedeep in thought


5 category |same image +|c.1 b&wc.2 close cropc.3 cornerc.4 colouringc.5 free

5 artist's choiceac.1ac.2ac.3ac.4ac.5


some textures by innocentLexys, sanami276, Rosafarben, JadedReality, TuxXtreme

jewel: the jewel are her accessories ^^
I'm pretty much disappointed this time, but... very well, after a long of hiatus ^^;
.Artist Choice
this time I choose to do it simple. no texture, just some blend and coloring.

please do credit kira_yuki if you use my icons. Comments are lovely. Thank You ^^

anime: vk, icons

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