[Icons] Kiniro no Corda icons for anime20in20

Oct 28, 2011 18:28

My first time trying for 20in20 icontest ^^
Since this is the first time, I don't expect much for the result, I even didn't expect myself to finish this one, but.... I managed to! (^0^)
This is for Round 22 @ anime20in20

10 themesbirdsexpectationsforeign languagebig textduplicate image

keep calm andrelaxno eyessplatt!punctuation marks

5 category | panorama|c.1c.2c.3c.4c.5

5 artist's choiceac.1ac.2ac.3ac.4ac.5

10 themes
1. birds, as you can see
2. they expecting the heroine to walk home with them
3. Salut d'Amour means love letter or love's greeting
4. big text. It's big isn't it?
5. duplicate image. I use Tsuchiura images all around with different sizes
6. keep calm and listen to the music. my favorite one!
7. relax. he's sleeping.
8. no eyes.
9. splaatt! they spill the water!
10. punctuation mark = !
somehow, I couldn't figure any other images to icons so...
the banner
5artist choice
somehow, they turned out didn't have any relation each other (^^;)

please credit kira_yuki if you use my icons

I'd be very happy to know your comments about my icons so feel free to leave a comment here ^^


anime: kiniro no corda, icons

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