To all the citizens;
The Vertere Police Force now has a headquarters in Vertere Square, the main residential Square of the City. The Police Force shall also be responsible for preparing the criminal citizens for a proper court hearing eventually.
The first three candidates chosen to appear for the position of the police task force have been selected.
- Ky Kiske [
- Raziel [
- Victor Mancha [
The remaining applicants will be tested accordingly in groups of threes. The tests shall be conducted by our Avatar of Enlightment, Isaak Fernand von Kämpfer who shall be testing to see if the following citizens are worthy of carrying out this task.
I am glad to see the interest that has arisen in our cause.
You are required to come to the fountain on the fourth day after today at the point of noon where you will be recieved and transported to the Halls of Enlightment. Failure to appear shall be seens as rejection of your offer.
Avatar of Order, Robo-Ky Kiske, shall be overseeing the results.
Future candidates mentioned ahead, you have seven days. Please familiarise yourself with the rules of Vertere. You shall be tested accordingly and we will choose our board based on the ranking.
Edward Elric [
Date Seiji [
Kurama [
Please be ready. You will be called apon as soon as the first batch is done.
Avatar of Phobia, Jonathan Crane, you will be released and continue with your duties as you were once your punishment is met, tomorrow night at sunset.
Avatar of Warning, Vincent Valentine, you will recieve the final wave of your punishment tomorrow night at sunset from the Avatar of Punishment, Sephiroth.
You will be a set example for what happens when commands are overlooked deliberately. I trust after this, the mistakes shall not be repeated again.
I do hope everyone enjoyed their little trip to wherever you desired and to whoever you wished to see. And I will take this moment to point out that there may be certain disturbances in the environment in the next couple of days. These shall be sorted accordingly, but I will advise the citizens to not step out after the hour of nine at night until five in the morning. for the next week. Consider it a curfew for the while, as we wouldn't want our citizens to experience any sort of mishaps.
Have a good day.
[ooc; PEOPLE. SIGN UP FOR THE POLICE FORCE in this post! Or the board of directors of the Police Force anyway. X) Their task is relatively better than the other avatars, and they'll be the spokespeople for the citizens, think of it as being able to protect your own folk. The police Force will also have the power to request trials - though that depends on Raito, I suppose, however he wont say no.
I know Seras and Mitsuhide are also available (are you?) but more wouldn't hurt! Technically this will help give the citizens a say about their punishments (though they're still going to happen. X3)But anyway.
Oh, and the curfew is because there will be certain monsters roaming the streets. Silent Hill monsters. They're there to make sure people don't wander too far and see the 'kidnappings' going on for the disobedient. X3 Expect your character to be attacked by them if they wander too far from their 'homes'. This is in preparation for the event lists that shall start up by next Saturday.
Punishment tomorrow night. X) Crane's 'public' punishment will be decided by Hojo, and Vincent is going to be flogged publicly after having his demon arm revealed and pinned above his head over his gun arm, and is going to be made to transform, much to his humiliation. All Avatars will be present, simply to watch, and this will be to show the citizens that a foolish mistake could cost them a lot.
Bring on the madness! ]