
Sep 24, 2006 07:22

How cute.

I do love it when people cannot think beyond their own superficial selves and cause enough tension for others to suffer because of them. Of course; the reactions are rather splendid.

Because when someone actually bothers to do something for themselves, instead of someone else, for once.. people get oh-so-offended.

This world is quite pleasantly primitive. I wonder how they can't see how much help they need.

[ Filtered to All Avatars ]

Start creating the lists for events. I want to see them in three days. We can't let our dear denizens run around without anything to do, hm?

And do be sure to throw in some pleasant events as well. Otherwise we'll have this emo-accusatory lot that will really be quite a headache.

Mr. Valentine, Mr. Sephiroth. You will maintain yourselves when in the presence of the avatars. We could hear your yelling all over the place. If you have any verbal disagreements, then you will take them into the city or in private.

The rest of you. I have noticed the advent of two other castles marking at the compass points of the city; Castlevania, Oblivion That Never Was and Aku's castle that remains directly in the mid-compass southwest. I have a feeling that the South may be taken up by something.. interesting. Hm. Let us see how that progresses.

The Tower of Atziluth in the North looks splendid.. but Kadmon has been quite.. exhausted. We wouldn't want him to be too exhausted to not be able to fill our promises, hm?

Carry on. Perfection will be reached.

[ooc; Cue event lists. Go wild~]
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