pic links!

Nov 22, 2008 18:57

so for those that want to see,

these are our family portraits for 2008.

and if you wanna see my hair, which is a vivid intense blue, and only looks purple under the sun.

for those on facebook, i'll be adding these later, cause i know sara had trouble seeing the ballet one.

today we went out and mom finish off her xmas shopping. she got us a steam cleaner and a new vacuum. which i will break out tomorrow. omg steam cleaner!!! and she got the new crowded house cd for my dad, which means i have it now too. (mmmmmmm neil finn!)

tommorrow shes taking sonnet out to see madagascar 2. troy and i will probably stay home and .. have a late brunch *pervy-eyebrow-wiggle* or we'll steam the carpets.

mom goes home on monday. and shes taking xmas presents for dad, troys family, uncle dwayne, my grandma, and maybe mike and becky if i can get their stuff done tonight. (not likely i'm not having the best evening, and i have to finish moms and grandmas) and all the xmas cards for both families, yay for saving on postage!!

am dying waiting for the new FOB album. David cooks cd dropped on sat, and i want it bad. but FOB is just in my head all the time right now. cause i am crazy
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