Title: Genius is always misunderstood
Fandom: Kis-My-Ft2
Pairings/Characters: Fujigaya + Senga
Rating: PG
Warnings: None really...
Disclaimer: Not mine. Owned by J&A.
A/N: Clearly Senga = Genius here ;)
shisaigas wanted: "Taipi/Senga~ Senga is too silly to wrap presents properly."
Draping the scarf around the other, Senga frowned unhappily. Something was off.
“Kento, what are you trying to do?”
Senga pouted, “I’m trying something! Just let me do this!”
He re-arranged the scarf first and then the rest of the other’s clothes.
“Shh!” Senga chose another jacket and then re-did the scarf once more. “Done! Or…no wait, maybe not,” his face fell again.
Fujigaya sighed, “What is it that you’re trying to do, Kento?”
Pouting Senga replied, “I’m wrapping you up! I want to think of a way how to wrap you up nicely but also for it to be fun for me to unwrap you again later!”
“You make it sound like I’m your present,” Fujigaya remarked.
Senga gave the other a puppy-look, “Are you not? It’s Christmas! You totally are my present!”