Title: And more supernatural gods and snake demon AU...
Fandom: Takizawa Hideaki, Yara Tomoyuki
Pairings/Characters: Takizawa Hideaki, Yara Tomoyuki, mentions of Kis-My-Ft2 and Imai Tsubasa
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Fantasy AU, prequel to the first Snake God AU fic.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Owned by J&A.
A/N: I had this scene in my head for a while but
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Comments 4
Takizawa shrugged. “I wanted to set you free. It’s been long enough.”
*_____________________* kdh.;xg;fofgufgouhjdbhxfcjknbbg
the Naga = SO COOL. I love them. *o*
As for the other one...
OMG. Dude. omg.
Sakuma smiled happily at the other, “Thank you for caring, Ryota-kun.”
awwwhhhhh ♥
When nobody was looking, Sakuma’s eyes glowed golden for a split second and his features changed into a smug smirk.
I only heard from one of my friends that apparently a few kids he used to teach started to vanish. Iwamoto, Watanabe, Abe, Sanada...
“Ryota! You’re talking about stuff being wrong and here you are seducing innocent little high school boys!” Eda reprimanded with a teasing undertone.HAHAHA flaily Yamaryo is so much love XD ( ... )
*watches you flail everywhere*
That second one is... yup, CREEPY. Poor Sakuma! :(
aw ._. but yeah... I don't know how the second one happened.
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