Title: Home, Sweet Home
Fandom: Kanju (GASP!) and lots of them
Pairings/Characters: nothing too explicit, pairings mentioned are ItoxBun-chan, Nakayama+Shige, Matori+Kusumoto ... I think that's all actually?
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Unbeta-ed, crack because hey, it's Kanju.
Disclaimer: The boys aren't mine. Their asses are owned by JE.
Author's Note: For those who do not know, "Tapi" is Kikuoka's nickname and not a typo of Taipi. ^^; Also, I am still trying to get characters right for all the Kanju boys. *practice* I also made a few cross-references to other fics I wrote (or will write *wiggles eyebrows*). Happy reading and comment if you like/dislike. I shall throw this fic with lots of "Kamelle" towards
triela_gg ♥ and
shisaigas who's very accepting of me not making any sense at all. ^_^
“How was Tokyo this time around, Bun-chan?” Ito asked his group mate.
Bunichi shrugged, “They’re an interesting bunch, the Tokyo guys, as usual…lots of weird creatures among them though. I saw many fairies again in the colors of the rainbow but I think they’re actually alcohol fairies…it looks like KAT-TUN favored them a lot lately. That wasn’t anything new though…”
“I see…found anything new then?” Ito sat down for lunch with Bunichi.
“Yup. One of the groups had a mermaid,” Bunichi nodded.
Ito raised an eyebrow, “A mermaid? On land?”
“Yeah. Fell in love with a guy who can’t swim,” Bunichi explained between bites.
“Ah…how tragic…” Ito nodded and started to eat his lunch as well.
Tatsuki and Junta looked at the pair, eyebrows raised. “What the hell are you two talking about again? Really, Maashi, sometimes I have very serious doubts about your age.”
“I would’ve said the aliens messed with his head when they abducted him but then again he was already weird before that happened…” Junta commented.
Ito smiled and looked at his friends, “Oh, the alien did mess with my head quite a bit, you wouldn’t believe how much. I’m surprised at myself…that I’m able to act normal enough still, considering what happened. I’d tell you about it but I’m afraid I cannot put it into words.”
Hamada joined the group at the table then and sat down between Junta and Bunichi, “Put what into words, Maashi? That Bun-chan tops when you have sex?”
Tatsuki choked violently on his food.
Before anyone at the table could say anything else, another person wandered in and immediately started talking at the speed of a shinkansen. “Junta! There you are! Why didn’t you tell me you were going to have lunch here? I went looking for you all over the place! And you know how bad that turns out around here at times…thank goodness most of the usual offenders are at the table with you right now! Although really, the younger generation seems to be catching up really fast…although I guess Matori doesn’t really count as younger generation really…and what he and Kusumoto are doing is totally not something people of the younger generation should do anyways. I thought they were bad on stage already but I guess seeing them behind the costume racks just now…oh no I guess I shouldn’t make you lose your appetite. Speaking of appetite, Kunta and Tapi went out to eat together didn’t they? I wonder how those two can afford their food. They probably went to the all-you-can-eat place around the corner again and are making people cry. Why do they still let those two in? They’re totally be the end of that place one day. And then they’ll move on to the next place and soon there won’t be any all-you-can-eat places in Osaka anymore. Oh, speaking of Osaka, Yuma is around in Osaka again, isn’t he? That’s why the 7 West boys, minus Shige, are all walking aimlessly around the corridors because their changing room has been commandeered by Shige and Yuma because Yuma decided he didn’t need one just for himself and would share with his old buddies again. I think Daichi invited them over into the BOYS room now though so you might be walking in on a group-whining session when you’re done with lunch later, Hama-chan. Especially Takemoto seems to be in a particularly whiny mode and Ryusei is still bitching about his hair I think. Well, a helmet cut is something rather challenging to pull off even here in Kansai. A-”
Junta stopped the onslaught of words by stuffing a takoyaki into Kiriyama’s mouth. “Slow down, Akito…we all appreciate the information you give us but don’t make our heads explode. Now…why were you looking for me?”
The two members of BAD went to talk quietly (gasp!) amongst themselves off to the side, leaving the rest to recover from Kiriyama’s flood of words by themselves.
“Matori and Kusomoto are at it AGAIN? Goodness gracious those two are worse than bunnies…” Tatsuki sighed.
Bunichi perked up a bit at the mention of bunnies, “That reminds me of another story I heard around Tokyo…apparently there was a bunny infestation not too long ago and Little Red Mitsuhood and the Big, Bad, Dark and Sexy Wattawolf had to take care of it with the help of a fox…and I saw a horse in the ABC-Z dressing room along with an oversized and kind of goofy looking rooster and a llama and…lots of animals really…”
Hamada laughed, “Tokyo sure is a crazy place.”
Nodding, Bunichi agreed, “It’s good to be back in Osaka. There’s nothing weird here.”