Jesse gets home tonight. His flight just touched down in Montreal 7 minutes ago. I am getting so excited to see him! I was sort of too busy to miss him too badly this week, but now that he is almost here it is like I am retroactively longing for him. Get here! Hug me!
Last weekend I had a fun surprise visit with my closest cousin and her sister whom I hadn't seen in so long. Soph was in town from Val d'Or and we went and saw Catriona Sturton perform and we went and visited my grandparents and I saw lots of family and she announced some big news and things were awesome. We watched the Jack Layton documentary together and my grandfather showed me his recent letter from Romeo Saganash.
Then Monday morning Jesse left for Austin via Montreal and Sophie and Sahra went to Quebec and I was all alone in my house. I got to go out with Michelle and Lydia and meet their amazing giant new dog Shadow.
Tuesday I worked an INSANE 12 hour shift, which started with an 8:30am meeting in which my boss introduced me formally as manager to the team at our other Ottawa location, and announced our new Toronto location!!
Wednesday day after work Tam came and picked me up and took me on a Trainyards adventure and we got to talk clothes and sex and emotional well-being and realtionships and boys and everything and she came and met my dog.
Thursday Julie came and met me and we got to talk make-up and life and who knows what and everything and I had missed her so much it's not even funny and she convinced me to buy insane items and we had such a good time.
Friday night I worked late and at 9pm when I was done I went across the street with my favourite new co-worker and partied with Jo and Kaylee and Reg and Ames and got so many glasses on Sangria and pieces of booze-soaked fruit and hugs and 90s CDs and hugs and mini eggs and Ray and more people I forget and met new friends and got a ride home at 1am or something then 7 hours later had to come back to open the store.
Then after working Saturday I spent my weekend completely scrubbing what will be my new room in my house and moving furniture and doing every load of laundry and washing windows and sweeping and setting things up, and I also got to hang out with the best-ever John and make him move my mother's old trunk with me.
I tried to go shopping at that Winner's home store but everything was too expensive so instead I bought home decor mags at Wal-Mart. I have never really decorated a room before! I am excited!
I really want to put up shelevs and maybe mirrors and also I want a big chair I can curl-up in.
So much to do. I will have to buy things one at a time. I want to paint and modify stuff I already have and try to thrift a lot of it, but maybe not the fabric chair.
So that was my week.