I'm alive/ why I'm not posting

Apr 22, 2008 13:26

As stated above - I'm alive. :P

Unfortunately my promotor STILL didn't finish reading my thesis. I needed money but I couldn't work as a teacher without masters and my job as an editor was poorly paid. Add to this that my dog died, my parents are feeling ok - so there was no need for me to by home... in other words, I'm in the Ireland right now... ^__^V

I'm working at the small pizza place and at the bigger restaurant across the town, more hours that I'm willing to count. :/ I don't have the internet here and don't really have the time to search for one - I'm walking only home-work-work-home everyday, grocery shopping twice a month... and that's it. :(
I think I'll be able to pay half of the loan by the time I get back. ^__^

I'm coming back to Poland in July or August - depends on my promotor. And I'm NOT going back to Ireland. They may be paying better here, but I like Poland more and I want to teach. :)

Hugs for all of you. :)


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