Jun 04, 2008 18:10
Haha... I'm in love with this anime! My avatar thingy is from it (credit goes to people at Animesuki Forums that posted it, I take no credit... Also, I have no idea how to make stuff move so I can't take credit for it) I'd recomend it to anyone! XD it has a really catchy theme song too, Resonance by TMR. I can't find the mp3 anywhere though, if anyone has it/ finds it, TELL ME IMMEDIATELY! I want it so I can listen to it until I get bored of it and it can stop floating around my head and obscuring my thoughts.
BUt back to what I was saying... I think I'd have fun at the Shinigami Academy or whatever it's called, the weapons look like so much fun! I want a death scythe too... ;_; oh, good idea! You guys can get me a human scythe for my birthday! Fun!
Ug... now I have to go do HW... Bio... AGAIN. which really isn't surprising but whatever. Only 10 more school days!!!!!!!!!