Meme, randomly found on the net.
1. Where were you an hour ago?
In the kitchen.
2. Who will be the next person (or rock, or tree, or goat) you'll kiss?
3. What are you most excited about right now?
RPGs I guess.
4. Are you wearing socks right now?
Yes. A dark blue, comfy one.
5. When was the last time you went out of the state?
Bein' in Hungary let's assume county. Or country. Either way it was two weeks ago, when we went to Croatia.
6. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
No. Last movie I saw was the PotC3 at the first of June.
7. What was the last thing you had to drink today?
Pepsi light. Half of it is still in my glass.
8. What are you wearing right now?
Blue T-shirt, dark blue short with white flowery-things
9. What was your last purchase?
Yesterday I got a blond wig for
okami_hu for HUF 1600. And after that a ticket for the bus to get home.
10. What have you done so far today?
Not much. Woke up. Spoke to my sister-in-law about a bank transfer we had to do. Slept some more. Woke up again and listened and watched as the house in front of the neighboor gets destroyed. Spoke to my grandma, ate breakfast and watched/helped to make green pea-dish. Did the dishes after myself, spoke on the phone to my aunt. Came upstairs and checked my e-mail again, reread a fanfic I just love and found this meme.
11. Last person you talked to on the phone?
Aunt, about the beach in Croatia.
12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
Don't think so. I resisted the urge to do so in Croatia and the wig is not for myself. (But before that? Oh, yes. XD)
13. Do you have a pet?
Family has a dog. A wonderful, smart, black dog.
14. What's the last sporting event you watched?
Formula 1 in France, Magny-Cours. Was good.
15. Who is your last MySpace message from?
Don't have MySpace. Have livejournal, and on that the last comment was from
dombihugi 16. What is the last thing you purchased online?
Winchester. I mean 500 Gb Hitachi HDD. XD
17. When was the last time you laughed?
I guess, yesterday as I watched the House MD? Or a bit later on something funny.
18. What's one thing you want right now?
More free time.
19. Do you miss anyone?
20. Last play you saw?
My friend, Harvey by Mary Chase, translated by István Örkény. Was quite good.
21. What are your plans for tomorrow?
A bit of cleaning, watching more House MD, playing with the dog and writing. And relaxing. XD
22. Who did you hang out with last night?
Sadly, no one. Over the MSN I spoke with a few friends.
23. Do you feel old?
My birthday is in a week. Guess.
24. Were you an honor roll student in high school?
Well. I'm not sure.
Wikipedia isn't exactly clear... And also, in Hungary/my school you had to be A+ from everything to get a mention/gift book. I was B+, I guess. (The A-F system is confusing for me.)
25. What do you know about the future?
It's not gonna be pretty but that never stopped anybody. XD
26. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
Right now? No.
27. Where is/are your best friend[s] located?
Two-streets away from here; and on the other side of Budapest.
28. Do you have a tan?
A bit.
29. How tall are you?
172 cm
30. Last person who made you cry?
I don't remember.
31. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
32. What are you listening to?
Right now I'm listening to the Caterpillar grab as it works on the demolished house. On the winamp I have Akos, Iron Maiden, Falco and Ossian.
33. What kind of cell phone do you have?
Small and stupid. Philips 355
34. What happened in your dreams last night?
I don't remember. I was explaining something to friends.
35. Where is your mom?
In Croatia, enjoying her vacation with my dad and brothers.
36. What is your mood?
Sleepy. Slow.
37. Are you someone’s best friend?
Yes, I am.
38. Wish you could live like the movie Click?
IMDB says it has an universal remote control. I don't really need one-- all I need is a lot of time.
39. Does anyone have a crush on you?
One person but I hope he doesn't anymore.
40. What is one thing you hate?
And another thing...
Selfish meme: Comment here and offer to write in a fandom we both know and love. I'll give you a prompt and/or a pairing and you need to write a 'comment-fic': a drabble, a sample, a few sentences. Then post this on your own journal and demand fics for yourself! You deserve it just like I: we had a long week, we need quality fics. :D
Önző játék: Ajánld fel egy hozzászólásban, hogy írsz nekem valamit, egy olyan fandomban, amit mind a ketten ismerünk és szeretünk. Adni fogok neked egy ihlető szót és/vagy egy párost, és neked írnod kell egy 'hozzászólás-ficet': 100 szavas történetet, egy előzetes mintát, pár mondatot. Aztán tedd közzé ezt a saját naplódban és követelj magadnak történeteket! Megérdemled éppúgy, mint én: nehéz hetünk volt, minőségi történetekre van szükségünk. :D