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So I have a headache and fever the day before two finals, of which only one do I feel prepared for. On top of this, the holidays are coming up and I don’t know half of what I’m getting people for them. I need to review all of my previous resolutions and make new ones, not to mention find out when taxes are due. Anyone know? :/
The next seven days are not looking fun
Tomorrow is my Buddhism and Anthropology finals, after which I disparately need to clean up and organize just about everything (room/computer/finances, etc..). Still need to sell my laptop and various other things. Need to do annual giving-of-clothing-I-shouldn’t-have-bought-for=selfish-want-of-tax-deductions and throwing out of the rest. Then I work Friday and Saturday, with a paper due on Friday. All of Sunday will be dedicated to finishing a Communications project worth most of my grade, plus another paper for the class and studying for the final. Monday is my comm exam. Tuesday is catching up on anything I forget tomorrow and Wednesday is my Communications project final.
Then I have roughly two weeks before I can go on vacation. The kicker? I asked for time off and had to already by the airplane tickets yet I don’t even know if I was given the time off from work. @_@ Hopefully, if anything goes wrong there, I can just Big Brown Eyes™ the General Manager into letting me go anyway.
Yay Stress!
- Kira