WIP, for
Winter's Stone 'verse (and I still need a non-lame title)
Is there a god? Goddesses? What are their names and characteristics?
Irsha is the main/primary goddess with differing origin stories. Some say she's a nobleman's daughter found and raised up by a fisherman. Others say she's Irshan, the fisherman's birth son. All stories agree that she performs miracles by singing.
She's usually depicted with long, flowing golden curls, a blue dress and a green sash.
There's a Maker god, but he's not part of any regular worship. He's only mentioned in the Creation myth.
Who worships them?
Most of the citizens. They're not necessarily true/devout believers, but skipping the weekly worship unless you have compelling reasons is just Not Done if you're an upstanding citizen.
How are they worshipped? Do you need priest/priestess?
By singing. A group of chosen singers perform 6, 9 or 12 songs from a set songbook. The audience/congregation repeat certain words during the refrain. There's sometimes a short message from the leader, but the main thrust of the worship is the singing.
Actors sometimes perform short morality plays on holy days, but the rest of the year they're all about entertainment. Only v. rich people can afford to have singing for entertainment's sake.
What do people at different levels of society believe? Are they devout?
As always, the upper echelons are less likely to be true/devout believers. Strangely enough, most of the immigrants/non-native citizens are the ones who have been most fervent in adopting their new land's belief.
Are there any cultural subgroups whose beliefs differ? What are those beliefs?
Karl and Salj's mother originally came from a matrilineal society. She wholeheartedly adopted a religion that focuses on a goddess. Their mother's people think that Irsha might actually originate from their culture (Ir'sya and Ir'syan used to be popular names several centuries ago).
Usually they also honor Bha'gn, a minor patron deity of musicians. Other ethnic groups don't have this deity.
Karl's future patron/beau observes traditional ancestral worship. He isn't terribly enthused about gods and goddesses beyond liking their stories.
What do your characters believe?
Salj is a believer but only because his faith has never been shaken.
Karl is often cynical and disparaging, but in his heart of hearts, he's actually more of a believer than Salj.
What kind of language(s) is spoken?
...I'll have to think about this some more. =P
Different languages for worship (old language), trade (E. Asian-ish), philosophy (Sanskrit and Arabic-ish)...
What language(s) does your characters speak?
Karl remembers maybe half a dozen foreign words from his late mother. He sometimes have to memorize words in several languages for his acting role. He's good at picking up languages and accents.
Salj knows how to sing dozens of songs in the old language, but he understands only five percent of what he's singing, if at that. Salj is a mostly content person and not terribly interested of other countries.