Originally posted on
March 31, 2008 1.
Trying to Communicate by
copperbadge (PG, hints of Jack/Ianto)
There's an alien in the Hub, and it's trying to communicate. This borders perilously on crackfic.
"There's a cat," Ianto said. "On my back."
"Hello moggie!" Owen said. "Where'd you come from?"
"And it's talking."
"What did he say?" Owen asked, appearing in the doorway.
"O HAI!" the cat bounded over to him, rubbing its head along his chest.
"Just coming in to tell you, Tosh says the space-ship takes Earth batteries all right," Owen said. "Should have it up and running as soon as we get the contacts cleaned."
The cat stopped rubbing, suddenly, and looked up at him.
INVISIBLE HART BEET," it said, sadly.
Ferret (Loki) Steals Wallet On days when your muse is hiding, try out
Pick a fandom (or choose to write original), select a prompt or two or three, write a 50-200 words fic snippet, earn points, then move forward on the board.
writing_game is especially ideal if you:
a) are trying out new fandoms, new characters or new pairings.
b) have the attention span of a flitting butterfly (like me)
It's low pressure, and if you're not particularly proud of what you wrote, just don't post it on your journal ;-)