Treasure Trove! ...I think.

Dec 02, 2010 02:27

So, when I went down to Dad's for Thanksgiving, Carlene told me to finally get a bunch of boxes I had left in the closet of my old room - which is now a guest room - so they could use it for...idk, whatever. So I have a bunch of old crap that I'm going through... I'm not certain if it is an early Christmas of old shit or a pain in the arse. We shall see.

Found So Far:
- 5,000,212 candles. And holders.
- More knick-knacks than I know what to do with (I was apparently a granny in my younger years). (Wai halo thar, Ebay.)
- About a gazillion shells.
- Awesome asian vase and jewelry box.
- Original WoW artbook.
- Yearbooks. Dear god.
- Fairy statue!!! 8D
- A purse. This is special because I didn't think I owned one. I took that one to prom.
- Charlie's Angels promo hat.
- Several old GoJu and H.O.S.A. trophies and ribbons, as well as two ribbons from a Japanese competition. :3
- Wooden...ball...thing...decorated with flowers.
- Tulip lamps. I thought they were so cool...
- 1.3MP camera and 32mb card. I was so balla with that thing back then...
- Books I will never read again.
- Really old books that could probably sell well. (Now to figure out where...)
- Cat and dragon statues and figures.
- Two TMNT figurines.
- One emo "I hate my life" note.
- Old mp3 player. It held like 15 songs.
- 6th birthday poster signed by my deceased cousin which made me cry. And an 8th birthday one signed by my old best friend and a now deceased friend.
- Coffee scented soap made for me by SPark. That, uh, I apparently never used. >.>;
- SW:KoTOR!!! Why did I leave you my love! *cuddles*
- Manga. Book I thought I'd lost. Countless magazines I swiped for art-models.
- Art supplies.
- Three Japanese fans in different styles.
- Plushies, including the beanie turtle that I wore on my head for a week in ninth grade. ...Don't ask me how I remember that shit.
- Two cassette tapes
- High School Diploma. ...I was actually kinda wondering where I'd left that. >.>;
- Prom shoes.
- Old DVDs. I giggle at myself.

I'm not even done yet, but it's already apparent that I need to A)get shelves and B)figure out how to sell crap on Ebay. What silly things younger-me kept.

wtf, dork, books, family, amusement at myself, omg, ohlawdsoembarrassed, geekery, dragons, cats, lulz, ......wut?, hilarity, life, amusement, books = yummy

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