Sep 02, 2007 14:11
Alright, as I'm sure a lot of people know, Amanda's mom likes to get online and read her daughter's Livejournal Posts. So this post, is made especially for her.
Jennifer, I understand you worry about your daughter, and are concerned with what she might be posting on a thing such as this. So you checking her entries, is fine. But you reading her friend's entries, or people she has listed as friend's, is NOT fine. It's an invasion of privacy, moreso, since you are NOT their parent, and have NO right to stick your nose in where it does NOT belong.
You can't just read a post someone makes on a daily occurance, and assume you know everything about that individual. For example. No how about this, TWO examples.
Example One
According to you, Mike needs professional help, because of some of the things he posts in his Livejournal. Now, I'm sure Schneider has no arguments, or maybe he does; the kid is an enigma. But that's not the point. His journal is meant for him to post down his thoughts and feelings, concerning subjects I'm sure none of us have a clue about. For you to read them, not knowing a damn thing about this kid, not who he is, not what he's been through, not what his goals are, not what certain things mean to him, makes you, an idiot.
It'd be like me walking into your house during one of your arguments with Jeff, and instantly make the assumption that, "Your marriage isnt going to work." or "They're always going at it." or maybe even "This has got to be an abusive relationship." and then proceed to tell everyone I know my thoughts on something I witnessed, without really knowing anything about you or your relationship with your husband. I'm sure you wouldnt be too happy with that, would you?
Example Two
This is the one that pissed me off the most, which I'm sure you'll notice.
First of all, do NOT sit me down and tell me that the man I have been with for eleven months has no one to talk to about his problems, that he has no outlet, that it's unhealthy and that he needs psychiatric help.
Let's address all that, shall we?
1. I've been dating him for eleven months. Actually, this week will be our one year. We havent broken up once. We havent had any abuse issues. Yes, we do argue, but every couple argues. Now, you would think...that after a year of dating and being engaged he would tell me some of the things on his mind? Yes, he tells me about his father, he tells me how his father pisses him off, he tells me how he cant stand the way his father acts, stresses with the band, stresses with friends, confusing about where he is going to go. Everything. He has an outlet, and that's me. I'm there when he needs me.
I'm sure you have trouble believing this since I'm "only 17", but as hard as it is to believe Jen, I understand a helluva lot more about Today's World than a lot of people out there my age. And y'know, I may "only be 17", but at the end of this school year, I will be "only 18" y'know, "only an adult". Take that into consideration.
2. Are you a psychiatrist? Psychologist? No. You do land scaping. How about we keep it that way? Once again, reading someone's livejournal posts does NOT make you an expert on that person's life. Yeah, you know one little detail to Dan's life, and I'm sure you'd like to think you know the answer to just about everything that goes on from then on out, but reality check, ya dont. And for you to sit there and tell me, to look me in the eye and tell me all of this...this...BULLSHIT, is just you being an ignorant bitch.
Did I offend you? Too bad. Wake up to reality and quit kidding yourself.
Moving on.
I believe I'm just about done, but let me get this out of the way too. I'm sure if you talked to Mike's parents, Dan's father, or Dave's father, none of them would be too quick to jump the gun and thank you so much for looking out for the son. I'm pretty sure they'd all be quick to tell you to "Fuck off and leave my kid alone." though. Because as I've said, you're sticking your nose in where it does not belong. And I'm sure you've convinced yourself that it's necessary to look in on who your daughter is hanging out with to be on the safe side.
Well hun, Mike and Amanda do NOT hang out. At all. Amanda and Dan, do NOT hang out. At all. Your daughter hangs out with Dave. If you MUST, monitor Dave's posts, not everyone else's. Just keep in mind, Dave's an adult, a legal adult, and you peering in on his journal entries is one pretty gay thing for you to do.
I'm sure you wouldnt be too thrilled to find out one of your co-workers peeks in on what you're doing every now and then, because you're on the same softball team as their sister. But, I guess if we're viewing this from the same perseption as you, then it would be perfectly fine. They're just watching out for their sister after all. The fact that they're getting involved with your daily, personal life doesnt matter. But hey, I'm just saying how it is.
Also, I realize Livejournal Posts can be made to the Public [which is the default option], friends only, or private [just for the poster's eyes]. I'm sure if Dan, Mike and Dave were really concerned about prying eyes, they would make their posts friends only. But the thing with that is, people's parents dont usually come online and stalk their child's friends. Oh, and unlike Myspace, you cant go onto Livejournal, toss in a name or search a network for someone. If people dont know you have a livejournal, chances of them finding it, are close to none. Plus the whole screen name thing, yeah, that makes it difficult to identify someone as well. So dont say they left themselves open for it. Cause I highly doubt they have a sign posted over all of their entries reading JENNIFER WILSON COME READ ALL OF MY POSTS CAUSE IT'S THE COOL THING TO DO! Nuh-uh.
And dont look at my Livejournal anymore. I make public posts for a reason, but the remainder are Friends Only, because I know you're out there, and I'm not going to put up with your snooping. Respect MY privacy, respect my FRIEND'S privacy, and respect my BOYFRIEND'S privacy and find something else to do with your time.
I am not your child. You need to come to terms with that. I dont care if I've known you my entire 17 years of living, I'm not your kid. Do not try and snoop into what I'm doing because you have some internal issues concerning whatever, to where you feel the need to try and control everything within your grasp. It's not going to happen.
So you can fuck off.