Bombimg of Lybia - punishment for Ghaddafi for his attempt to refuse US dollar

Mar 28, 2011 21:27

Source in Russian

Thanks Squid Room for translation

The last world economic crisis made a number of countries start discussion about interstate trading calculation in gold. China announced minting of golden yuan and the Eastern countries also discussed the possibility of golden standard. Mummar Ghaddafi became the main initiator of idea of refusing from dollar and euro. He called arabian and african world to start use one new currency - golden dinar. He suggested to establish united African country with 200 millions of population using this currency. The idea of making the one golden currency and uniting african countries into one powerful federative state was strongly approved by many arabian countries and almost all african countries during last year. The only opponents were Republic of South Africa and the head of League of Arabian states.

Such initiative of Lybia was very negatively estimated by USA and European Union. According to the words of french president Nickola Sarkozi, "lybian people caused a threat for financial security of mankind". Numerous arguments drawn by them to the leader of the Libyan revolution gave no results: Ghaddafi still made steps that led to the creation of United Africa.

There were two versions for hiding real reason for intervention to Lybia: the official one - protection of human rights and the unofficial - stealing oil. Both seem fake. The truth is that Mummar Ghaddafi tried to repeat plans of general De Gaulle - refuse from banknotes and start using gold coins again like in old times. This would lead the destruction of banking system.

Broadcast by russian channel "Rain" ("Dojd", Russian only):

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Ghaddafi for many years tried to establish United African state with the population of africans and arabian people and the one currency for them - Persian golden dinar. Of course, the Zionist mafia could not forgive that...

Ghaddafi wanted to replace dollar with golden dinar.

The last world economic crisis made a number of states start discussion about international trading calculation in gold. China announced minting of golden yuan and the Eastern countries also discussed the possibility of golden standard. Mummar Ghaddafi became the main initiator of idea to use dollar and euro. He called arabian and african world to start use one currency - golden dinar.

Colonel Ghaddafi suggested to create United African State with 200 million population of arabian and african people using this financial base. The idea of creating one golden currency and idea of uniting African countries into one powerful federative state was actively approved by many arabian countries and almost all african countries during last year. The only opponents were Republic of South Africa and the head of League of Arabian states.

Such initiative of Lybia was very negatively estimated by USA and European Union. According to the words of french president Nickola Sarkozi, "lybia people caused a threat for financial security of mankind".

Numerous arguments told by them to the leader of lybian revolution gave no results: Ghaddafi continued to take steps that led to creation of Africa united.

There are 2 fake versions to hide reasons for intervention to Lybia:
  • official - protection of human rights
  • unofficial - stealing oil
Both of them are too stupid even to criticize them. The truth is that Mummar Ghaddafi tried to repeat plans of general De Gaulle - refuse from banknotes ans start using gold coins again. This would lead the destruction of banking system.

The main reason is gold. Russian businessman and social figure German Sterligov is sure in it. The world financial crisis, that still influences on planet's economy, made many countries to propose changing in international calculation currency. More exact - refuse from dollar and replace it by gold.

At the broadcasting of russian channel "Rain" ("Dojd'") the author of this theory and the creator of Moscow's "Gold Stock" German Sterligov says:

German Sterligov: The authorities gave us no license for opening gold stock, so we were forced to close our "legal business" and start it another way. We started to act in the international currency trades, which became more and more popular this year.

Olga Pispanen: And then Lybia collapses...

G.S.: Yes. I'll tell you what events led to this. In 2002 Malaysian prime minister Muhammad together with Mummar Ghaddafi proposed initiative to launch golden dinar. At the beginning this idea was approved by Iraq, Sudan and Bruney, next year Indonesia, United Arabian Emirates and other countries joined to it. They began work on this idea. there were some sessions of Ministers of Finance of these countries and the project about refusing from dollar and euro and using golden dinar began to be transfered to life. There was a pilot project where golden coins were already minted and it began to be used in Malaysia, Indonesia and Iran. They were even used in common shops and they are still can be used there as well as common banknote money.

O.P. : Do you have example of golden dinar with you?

G.S. : I don't have dinnars, but i have "goldens", because every country should suggest their own type of gold coins and we suggested "golden".

O.P. : Why is it called so? It doesn't sound like a natural russian word.

G.S. : Golden means "made of gold". Before that in Russia we had "guldens" and "zolotniks". "Golden" means gold in english. We made them at official russian money printing factory called "Gosznak". We suggested Lybia to use our coin, but it was very big and weighted 1 ounce.

Dmitry Kaznin: How exactly do you suggest to use such money?

G.S.: During the conversations (there were conversations for a long time between our go-betweens and both russian and arabian businessmen). I wasn't host of these conversations, they were hosted by businesswoman Nadejda Azarenkova and firm of Artur Airapetov, which is a huge low company. I am co-owner of this company.

It all ended up like a similar situation with Stalin and Hitler: Stalin was already ready for Hitler's aggression and placed his troops around the border, but Hitler made an attack and destroyed everything.

The same did Western society. This is my personal opinion: Muammar Ghaddafi was ready to declare his rejection of using dollar and euro, but the first step should be made by the international bank system. His international accounts were arrested under fake reason of "breaking human rights".

O. P.: Accounts were arrested after announcement that he started to shoot civil people.

G.S. : Yes, but it happens in all countries. Look around - a lot of civil people in countries like Yemen are being killed and no one arrests other bank accounts. The reasons to explain cations always can be found, in this case murders of people served just as a reason.

The reason it that psychological effect of idea by Ghaddafi (who is one of main muslim leaders) to start using golden dinar was stunning, it was more worse than the idea itself. For example there's one Malaysian state called Kelantana, which uses only golden coins, but it doesn't give a lot of butt-hurt to the global leaders.

And there we have Ghaddafi who suggests everyone to reject international bank system and to make yourself free from power of American's Federal Reserve Fond. A great number of countries would follow him. This project was prepared very actively for many years, Ghaddafi made African countries to unite together into powerful state and to start use golden coins. Egypt was ready to take part in it, that's why revolutions started there and CIA interfered to break the plans about getting out from international bank system. Bu the way, this system also spoils Russian economy a lot. Changing banknote money for the gold coins - it is the way from financial crisis and financial slavery.

O.P. : German, explain please... i think we don't have as much gold as much banknote money he have.

G. S. : Of course. We almost don't have gold, just useless paper...

O. P. ... it means that if Muammar Ghaddafi will drop bank system and will start trade only in gold, he will trade only with countries that have gold.

G.S. : I told you about beginning of this project in 2002 to explain that a big number of countries from Indonesia to Iraq during 8 years was preparing for it.

O.P. : But there was no America, France, Germany or even Russia...

G.S. : Of course. these are big highly populated countries, which produce many necessary goods. I don't mean computers or other gadgets, i mean staff that we need for everyday life: food, oil and so on. Speaking of Russia, please note to whom Ghaddafi applied before they started to drop bombs on him.

He applied to China, India and Russia - these countries who may be ready to start using gold coins. Especially China, which announced about using of golden yuan soon.

And note what so much praised "rebels" in Lybia did first. They didn't arranged new government - nobody heard about their political ideas. They opened central Bank in Bengazi, which should replace Ghaddafi's bank. This means that they are not against politics of Muammar Ghaddafi or his governance as the head of country. But they want to change financial system to the opposite of his system.

O.P. : Anyway, as i understand, now there are only countries you named are able to start using golden currency. Only 12 countries. They will be able only to change with each other...

G. S. : Believe me, it is not a little number. There must be chain reaction, because everyone is tired to be a slave for USA Federal Reserve Fond and its head Mr. Bernanke. Because Bernanke gives money in debt for USA (Federal Reserve Fond of USA gives money to central Bank of USA). If Muamman Ghaddafi found time to launch golden coins before the war started, not only muslim countries would follow him. There would be many countries, including maybe even Germany. Everyone in the world who doesn't want to be a slave of Bernanke want to trade for gold.

O.P. : Don't you feel frightened?

G. S. : My darling, i'm already living in a wild forest.

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