Ginsberg Vs. Christianity

Jan 19, 2013 17:11

GINSBERG: I'm observing my own mind and consciousness and reporting on that and trying to be candid. Walt Whitman, who was a very great poet and, incidentally, gay, said he thought that for poets and orators of the future the great quality would be candor, frankness, truthfulness.

LOFTON: Well, Walt Whitman suffered from, if I may say so, what might be called terminal candor-not unlike yourself.

GINSBERG: You don't like Whitman?


GINSBERG: Have you read Whitman?


GINSBERG. Do you remember the name of the poem you read?

LOFTON: Yes, one that says something like: "So I make mistakes. I contradict myself. So what? I contain all things," This is absurd. Talk about arrogance.

GINSBERG: Dig this.

LOFTON: I'm diggin' it.

GINSBERG: He says: "Do I contradict myself? Very well. I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes," Do you know what he meant by that?

LOFTON: Probably nothing good.
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