Feb 11, 2009 18:45
People have been wondering if I am still out here. I am and doing well. I had knee surgery on the 22nd of January and I am doing really good. I was on crutches for three days and back at work in a week. I have been up walking around and I have only minor limitations I have to not plant my foot and pivot, no lunges and no squats for 6 weeks and if it hurts don’t do it. I have been enjoying my life. I discovered a best friend who loves me just for being me.
I am still at the same job and learning to build my life outside of work so that all the stress from it doesn’t care over into my everything. I have been eating right and I have now lost 114lbs and retired my entire wardrobe. I am letting my short hair grow out and dyed it red today. I still am limiting my time online but I do read your LJ’s entries often although I don’t comment. I also check facebook on a regular basis. If you haven’t found me there contact me and I will get you the details.
I hope that you all try and find the happiness that you all deserve.
Love You All