Julie Andrews Said Knock You Out

Dec 15, 2006 19:36

Last night at the PHE Christmas party I found myself in a nearly physical altercation with a gentleman over Rogers & Hammerstein’s The Sound of Music.  Here and ever after I will forego any holiday gift exchanges that allow others take my present from me after I’ve opened it (and clearly articulated my excitement).  No matter how much fun the game sounds in the beginning, it only ends in spirited screaming and a few loose punches.  Happy holidays.

Luckily my well-warranted Grinchable anger was swayed by a long, thoughtful conversation that caught me completely by surprise.  I desperately needed it though, not merely because of the undeserved snatching of my beloved musical, but because of the toll that these last few months of adulthood have had on my spirit.  All in all I greatly appreciated it and will probably remember it not only for the ideas discussed, but also for the comfort and release that it gave me.

I’m still salty about the underhanded way in which my gift was taken from me.  I’ll buy my own copy, of course, but it was specifically meant for me from a friend.  And in principal, it’s just hella wrong - especially when Lorell is left with a Chinese phrase book that he doesn’t want or need, specifically due to irreverent assholism.

*channels goodness.

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