Nov 22, 2005 16:56
Have you ever thought about your sexuality?
I’m very comfortable with my own sexuality. My bisexuality is clearly working for me, although I’m not exactly sure if that word describes me anymore - I may need something more encompassing.
I attended a free screening of RENT last night. LOVED IT. But I will draft a full review later, after I see it for a second time.
The point is, I found myself very attracted to a character in the film - besides Rosario Dawson, she’s just a given. And Idina Menzel, she’s hot too. And Tracie Thomas, she looked good in a few scenes as well. And Taye Diggs, if he weren’t so annoying, he’d be cute too. Anyway - Wilson Jermaine Heredia - the actor who plays Angel, caught me completely off guard with his beautiful self. He’s incredibly cute as a man, but then - when he drag queens it up - he makes an incredibly beautiful woman. And - I’m attracted to him/her either way.
I’m serious.