Hey Hey

Sep 30, 2006 22:28

So it's October-ish... Time to update.
For starters, it's Saturday night, and I'm sick, and I spent some time updating myself on all of you. Funny how it's only the internet and yet I think about you all and wonder, what are they up to. So I enjoy reading and playing catch up.

Same old same old. That is the theme of my journal.
Dating and life and working and life and friends and life.

Work is work. Stressing me out at times, but I find I have more direction than ever, which is a great thing. Have spent some time writing and getting some articles published and in mini-steps working my way to having my own business. Just so much to learn, when do you really ever know it all, enough to say you know it all? And that you are the proud owner of a business??? Will keep you posted if/ when that happens.

As for the dating life, let's recap, as usual shall we?
Northern boy? All was well just up until the week after date #5. Things were going well, I was thinking of taking a month out to go up and visit and wouldn't you know? Nothing. Nothing at all. After some dramatics for about 2 months - and I hate dramatics, so I avoid things during dramatics, I was instructed by a good friend to "put yourself out there" by that she meant, risk rejection, be brave, and ask him out or better yet, just show up on his doorstep, 3 hours away.

Well... without going into details, Northern boy turned into Class Ass real quick. I had hope. I tried. And most importantly I put myself out there.

And ironically 2 weeks later, he has balls to contact me again. Maybe it's just me. Maybe that loser sign really is stuck to my back. Well for whatever it is, not surprisingly he contacted me. And well, nothing to come of it. Because stubbornly, once I make my mind up to let go, I let go. Of course, I don't mean that. I do mean I give up emotionally, but somehow, like Mr. Big, I find myself caught up in dramatics of something that will never be.

So, great way to let you know about Mr. Hero. Shy guy. Oh I have so many names. But let's say he rivals my greatest celebrity crush on Nigel Barker - ANTM. I don't fall for the celebrity type often, and often I don't find celebrities all that hot, but this guy, gives Nigel a run for his money. Looks speaking.

As for personality, he just makes me grin from ear to ear. Quite endearing. And I'm getting better at not falling so hard or so quickly. But something about him. Shall save this for another time. Because even I gross myself out being all sappy-like.

Oh and in case you were wondering, Mr. Big is somehow still around.
Told you. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
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