I managed to stump my graphic design teacher last night.
I'm not sure how or why.
The assignment was to make a mock up of an ad for a bike or a chair. She gave us all the stuff to put in, including copy and headlines etc. So I did my thing, as I do.
It comes to class and the critique and I put up my ad on the wall, as you do.
The teacher goes down the line of ads on the walls, critiquing, as she does.
She comes to mine.
She stops.
She stares at it.
She puts her hand over her mouth and tilts her head at it.
She's silent for a very distressing few seconds.
And the first thing out of her mouth is how artistic it is. And how she likes the background because it's not just a dull plain white. Some other legitimate criticisms, one or two which I thought of before I handed it in.
But ... I stumped her.
This is a THING that happens to me.
I stump teacher responses.
Anyway. Project below the cut