Asked by
gehayi 1. Reply to this post with "HOMEWORK SUCKS", and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
I don't remember where I got this one from. But I liked it. It always seemed appropriate for a lot of my sporking material. Just some chapters, especially near the end of a book, would be very 'oh god if I had any hope left it would be gone'. It kind of served as a warning to my readers too.
MYTHBUSTERS! Yeah. I like them. I needed an icon from them. Someone - I don't remember whom- said here's one! I was yay! I don't have much use for it, but I like it.
This one I made myself, back when I was doing the Fifth Sorceress. It sums up everything I felt was wrong with the books and by extension everything that was wrong with the Bad Fantasy Genre in general. I should re do it and make it nicer.
This is another one I made when I started reading
deleterius I would write little vignettes about Feanor with his spork: the Mithril Spork of Eru's Doom going and killing lord of the Ring Mary Sues. It seemed to be very useful for just spiteful things. Because if Feanor hates you, well, you might as well just die and get it out of the way. You're going to die anyway.
There is a story called Eric and the Gazebo. About a D&D player who didn't know what a gazebo was and thought it was a monster of sorts. And tried to talk to it and then attack it. Which did nothing, of course. So eventually the DM gets annoyed and has the Gazebo attack and destroy the character. This icon is from from the Munchin card (by Steve Jackson games) based on the story. The monster level and card stats are: Level 8 monster: Gazebo. No one can help you. You must face the Gazebo alone. Bad Stuff: Lose three levels. It's worth two treasures. Great game. Encourages cheating.