I had my first fan fic experience. I'm in a Boffer LARP (how geeky is that) and we had a table top game at my place on Wednesday. It took place in a town I created and the ST used some of the characters I made up. Admittedly they were quick sketches but they were based on characters I've used previously, so they were all ready "fully fledged" in my head. Seeing the ST use them though kinda weirded me out.
They weren't done the way I imagined them to be. One of them, Theo, was a lot slimier that I thought he should be. I've always had him as a no-nonsense, kinda brusque guy. Rhysiel was described as a cross between Riddick and Picard. Which I liked at least the description. Rhysiel was also kind of off. BUT ST said I could write up longer descriptions so he could depict them better. I shall do this.
The thing was I didn't have control over these characters and someone else was "writing" them. I kept on wanting to say, "No, you've got it wrong" but I couldn't do that right in the middle of the game, now could I? Not really. Which is kinda what I believe fan fiction is going to be like.
Though I did have a weird giggly feeling of seeing someone else play and use my characters, even if they did do it wrong.
Speaking of which. I need to write a fan fic for the Dark Griffin like I promised.