Jul 18, 2007 12:21
Harry Potter count down is T minus two days and I've been thinking about the what I want resolved in the last book or would like to see.
First off, that room in the Department of Mysteries where Sirius died. What is that DAMN ARCH WITH THE VEIL? If I don't learn about that, I'll be sorely disappointed.
Is Ron and Hermione's attraction to each other finally going to be realized as an actual relationship?
Malfoy hesitated in killing Dumbledore and started to put down his wand. How is that going to work?
What's going to happen with the Dursleys? I imagine something will.
Of course, who is R.A.B.?
Is anything going to happen with S.P.E.W. and the house elves?
My mom seems to think that Neville will actually strike the killing blow on Voldemort, but I don't think so because it's Harry Potter not Neville Longbottom. Still, I have to wonder about the fact that they were both potentials for the prophecy will make a difference.
What's going to happen with Wormtail and his life debt to Harry?
Also, I accidentally read a spoiler on Wikipedia and I'm very upset now. It was in the Percy entry, so, don't look there.
harry potter