Mar 22, 2005 14:50
Dear world at large.
I am a freak of society. Please stop asking me to act normal. I don’t want to act normal. I’m sick of acting normal. Acting normal sucks and its not that much fun either. If I have to continue acting as such I think I’ll explode in frustration. In fact I don’t even wish to ever be normal.
I know this rapidly depletes any chance that I have at finding true love or what not, but right now I don't really care. I'm sick of having to act normal and pretend to be something I'm not. I may even scare off some people who say that they are my friends, but I don't care. All this acting the way I'm not is making me miserable. I'm sick of being miserable.
I'm not sure how I'm not going to be miserable, but this has got to be a start.
To anyone who wishes other wise, screw you.
K thanx bub bi.