The madness of love

Jun 01, 2006 20:41

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind." Shakespeare, A Midsummer Nights Dream

If I could just go back 400 years, I'd pop Will Shakespeare a good one. And all other writers who tell us of love for that matter. They make the interaction between male and female seem so... simple. Give us a couple hours and we will introduce our lovers- they will fall in love, fall out of love, fall back in love and finally get married and live happily (or unhappily as the case may be) ever after. Or they will die spectacularly in the manner of great lovers. One way or another, it will be resolved. Love in real life seems more like one of those soap operas that have run for over 30 years. There will be twists and turns, absurd plot-lines, lots of improbable and badly acted drama... and it's just one damn thing after another!
And, on top of all that, it seems like every time I fall- it's for someone totally unattainable. Maybe it's because it is simpler to easily fall in and out of love with someone who is on a pedestal than someone I would have to work to maintain a relationship with. I am a connoisseur of unrequited love. Look at one of my major obsessions: The Phantom of the Opera. You don't get much more dramatic and unrequited as that. But you know, even the times when it seems like I might have a bit of romance in my life... it falls flat. It's like I'm stuck in romantic limbo and there is nothing I can do to get out of it. So usually I say the hell with it all, who needs it? But only in my more cynical moods. Most of the time I take out my frustration by singing all the songs from The Phantom of the Opera and Wicked, and that helps me feel better somehow.
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