In an attempt to post in between the two birthdays (but possibly failing?) I want to wish a biiiiig happy birthday to
chimericalyours and
fromyesterday *glomps*
Ani: I always love reading on your insights about your own life and fandom and kind of going through your journey with you to find yourself. It's also incredibly fun to chat about musicals since I don't have too many people to flail about that stuff with XD I'm glad you got better!!
Judu: You are always very kind and you reach out to me continuously and I really appreciate it. You have an honest and humble interest in Yasu and fandom and it's always nice to hear your earnest opinions on everything. I wish you the best and I hope you get to do what you want on your birthday and not have to do the run around with your family XDXD
PS: According to
this post, Uchi was listed as #9 for Best Jeanist and listed as a member of Kanjani8!!! <3<3<3
PPS: Have you guys caught My Girl, ROMES, Tokyo DOGS, and/or Untouchable? Those are my dramas to check out this season and I haven't seen any of them yet XD I have heard a few of your opinions but I'm wondering what you all think. Thanks!!!! Also if you found another gem I haven't caught yet I'd like to hear that too ;) So far I've only seen parts of the first eps of twdramas Momo Love and Autumn's Concerto :D