Congrats to Toma on his
new movie. This guy is seriously incredible.
Also a happy happy birthday to Uchi and Yasu. I usually try to find a time between the two birthdays to wish them a happy birthday but I usually run more into Yasu's time XD Hopefully this is more of a central time this time. Anyways for Uchi I only wish the best for him and I REALLY want to see him in another drama. He's so fun to watch and I actually miss him. I'm happy Yasu got the opportunity to appear in ROMES and I know he's trying his hardest at it. I wish the best of luck to both of them <3<3<3
And hooray for Eita/Kaela. And even though I'm not a fan of theirs, I wish the best for fans of 2pm and its leader. Some 'fans' are crazy D: